{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}

I think I’m supposed to limit myself to one photo or set of photos for each category, but there were many noteworthy pretty, happy and funny moments in our lives this week. My noticing them was grace, all grace, for this was a week where I especially needed to see the beauty and joy around me. Though certain days can be hard, still we are surrounded by good things. I am grateful.


The clouds on Friday morning did not bring us any rain, unfortunately, but I appreciated the depth and dimension they added to the great outdoors. Blue skies are boring.


This moth made an appearance on Friday evening, and the camera caught his color well. You can’t tell from the photo, but he was quite large; the sound of his wings fluttering against our dual-pane window was enough to draw our attention.


We went for a hike Saturday afternoon, Jonathan and Katie and I, and I had fun capturing the wildflowers along the path. DCM_8059 DCM_8074 DCM_8052

Pretend that the light was not flat and that the sky was not overcast and that I took the time to take an artistic shot of this tree, and then you might begin to appreciate how spectacular it is with all of its pink blossoms.20150316_172923


We had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa and cousin Elijah this past weekend, which is most happy indeed! Elijah is a sweetheart, and, with little sisters at home, is quite loving toward babies. Katie loved watching him.


Grandma gave Katie a good luck red envelope for Chinese New Year! Her mom (my grandma) always did the same for us as we grew, and so it brought back sweet memories. I’m grateful that she’s carrying on this tradition.

We had the opportunity (finally) to put our baby backpack to good use on our Saturday hike. Katie loved it. It was fun to watch her and Jonathan together. I love how she seems to be pointing out the way to go in this first shot; she often does this now, when we’re carrying her, waving her little arm in front of her like a baton.20150314_153943 DCM_8063 DCM_8034

After our hike we, of course, stopped at our favorite local pizza place (real Italian-style wood-fired pizza. So, so, so good) in honor of Pi Day!



I will often leave Katie to finish her lunch while I work on dishes or cleaning the kitchen or some other chore. Usually, I turn her so she can see me as I work, but on this particular day, I didn’t. This is her looking for me.

DCM_7978Hiking is a LOT of work.

DCM_8076Do you think she gets her silliness from her mom?



This is what’s real: certain dates are always going to be hard. Always. I wouldn’t change this, though, wouldn’t make such anniversaries go away, because I believe it is important to remember, to reflect, to pray. For those few days a year when the memories come flooding back and my eyes overflow and the emotions rise to the surface, it is good for me to say, “Yes, this happened.” It is good for me to look back on both the joy and the pain. It is good for me to celebrate the life of the girl I lost and to pray for her future.

I do not dwell here, in this place where there are so many unanswered questions, for my life is full and I have much for which I am grateful. I do not dwell here, because, though I pray for her daily, I can do nothing else to change her situation and so I have found it is not healthy for me to spend too long thinking about it. But these anniversaries provide reminders, and I believe they are valuable.

We had a piece of cheesecake on Monday in her honor, sang “Happy Birthday” quietly in the crowded restaurant before savoring each bite. I took a photo of it before we ate, but inadvertently deleted it. Somehow, this seems fitting. So, no photo, but lots of real.

That’s it around here this week. How about you? Head on over to Like Mother, Like Daughter to see ways others have captured contentment in everyday life this last week.

6 response to "{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}"

    • By: Jenn Posted: March 21, 2015

      Thank you! The flowers really are spectacular in our area at the moment.

  1. By: jywatkins Posted: March 19, 2015

    Those clouds are amazing! And it looks like it was an awesome hike!

    • By: Jenn Posted: March 21, 2015

      It was. Beautiful hike and weather – I love where we live.

  2. By: Laura Posted: March 20, 2015

    Wow, what gorgeous flowers!
    And I love the high chair shot!

    • By: Jenn Posted: March 21, 2015

      Thank you, Laura! The high chair shot is one of my favorites. 🙂

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