{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}


 ~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life with Like Mother, Like Daughter~


The recent heat wave has done wonders for my garden. All of my tomato plants are outgrowing their cages; I should have believed the tags when they said to plant them three feet apart! These beauties are on my sungold tomato plant, but five of the six I planted have lots and lots of fruit on them. I am quite excited to enjoy them in a month or two when they ripen.DCM_8700 (2)


Katie has learned to pull herself up, and these windows are a perfect height for her. She loves to stand at them and watch the world. In this particular shot, she was waving goodbye to Grandma after a visit.



This could just as easily fall under “happy”, but I am so grateful for water play on these hot summer days. Katie loves to sit on the top step and splash, and I love to watch her.


That happy picture is not without its drawbacks. My windows look like this. I don’t think I’ll wash them, though; the day is coming when I will miss those tiny handprints on glass.

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Those are the {pretty, happy, funny, real} moments around here this week.How about you? Head on over to Like Mother, Like Daughter or leave a comment here and share the contentment you captured this week!

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